Custom made orthotic insoles vs. over-the-counter

Custom made orthotic insoles vs. over-the-counter

Our feet bear the weight of our entire body as we walk, run, stretch, and live our lives. Inevitably, this causes stress which can become problematic in some cases. Many of us, for example, accept foot pain as a normal part of getting older. Routine types and causes of foot pain are overuse, injury, or common issues like plantar fasciitis or arthritis. However, while experts agree that any kind of chronic foot pain is not normal, determining what route to go in order to address these issues can feel overwhelming.

Custom made orthotic insoles vs. over-the-counter (OTC) insoles may well be the solution you are seeking. Just like over-the-counter medication versus medicine you need a prescription for, there are OTC insoles and custom prescription orthotics. Let’s look at some common questions about the differences between these treatment options!

Do custom made orthotics relieve pain in the same way over the counter insoles do?

No matter whether you choose an over-the-counter insert or a custom made orthotic insole, they should fit well in your shoe and feel comfortable. OTC orthotic inserts relieve pressure by adding a cushion between your feet and the bottom of your shoe. They can be a good solution for those looking to make their shoes more comfortable. For people with mild issues, OTC inserts may also help address underlying problems when recommended by a podiatrist; this is particularly true if your issue is a generic complaint, such as heel pain.
However, OTC inserts are a one-size-fits-all solution and not customised to your feet and situation. It is important to consult with a podiatrist about OTC insoles to make sure you choose the right option that won’t cause more damage.
On the other hand, custom made orthotic insoles offer individualised care and support that is designed and approved by a podiatrist. Since they are developed just for you, custom made orthotic insoles can offer a wide variety of options and benefits that outshine the OTC alternatives. Their specifically modelled dimensions and proportions cater to the uniqueness of your feet and are directed towards solving issues found there and in related regions of the body. Whether you are looking to reduce the agony of flat feet, metatarsalgia, or bunions, or relieve pain in the back, ankles or knees brought on by incorrect alignment, custom made insoles will provide a relevant profile of support and modification. This might mean offering more cushioning or support in certain areas; other issues might indicate a more rigid insole for support is needed. The profile of insoles for plantar fasciitis, for example, will differ from one made for bursitis, for example. And the arch support provided by custom made insoles for flat feet may even help you avoid surgery!
The process of making custom insoles is an intricate process guided by podiatrists to ensure the best care for your feet.

How different are the long-term costs for custom made orthotics vs. over-the-counter insoles?

Often, customers are drawn by the price of OTC insoles without thinking about the long-term costs. Although all bodies are not the same – due to our differing weights, heights, and the unique positioning of our feet - OTC orthotic inserts merely use a one-size-fits-all approach; this may offer some relief for more mild issues when recommended by a podiatrist. Since OTC orthotics are made for short-term relief of minor issues, they are frequently made of lower quality materials that need to be replaced much more frequently than their prescription counterparts. In this way, custom made orthotic insoles may be more of an investment upfront but save you money in the long run.

By choosing custom made orthotics, you ensure that the underlying medical issues are addressed, potentially avoiding future medical costs like doctor’s appointments for foot, knee, and back pain, and even surgery! StepBetter pricing also includes the assessment, imprint kit, and consultation from a podiatrist to ensure proper fit.

We also offer four interest-free instalments to make custom made orthotics as accessible as possible.

Do I need to go to a doctor to get relief?

Over-the-counter orthotic insoles can be the fast and easy solution that some people need; it’s convenient to be able to run to the nearest pharmacy for insoles that slip into sneakers or high heels. And, combined with supportive shoes, OTC orthotics can reduce pain and prevent further problems. This option, however, does not involve any medical consultation or expertise. It’s a form of self diagnosis which may or may not deal with the problem efficiently or permanently.
Alternatively, after consultation, a doctor or other medical expert may prescribe OTC solutions to deal with relatively simple foot concerns. For more difficult scenarios, custom made insoles will be recommended.

However, with StepBetter you get the best of both worlds: the advice of an expert without the time, effort and inconvenience of a visit. StepBetter makes this process as simple as possible, removing the need for in-person clinic visits without sacrificing the training and individualised care of experienced podiatrists. Moreover, the cost of a visit -significantly less than would be paid ordinarily - is included in our pricing.
The process is intentionally as quick and easy as possible. After you take the brief 30-second on-line assessment and find you are a good match for StepBetter. you’ll receive a foot impression kit to use at home. Once it has been sent back - free of charge - our StepBetter podiatrists review and create your custom made orthotics, which is where you get the benefit of the best medical advice! Without the visit!

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