Steps to wearing in your orthotics

Steps to wearing in your orthotics

You’ve just received your new, custom-made orthotic insoles from StepBetter and are dying to try them. But if you slide them into your favourite shoes and head out immediately, you might realise that your orthotics are a little uncomfortable after a full day. Why? Well, because your feet just went a whole day moulded into a shape, they’ve never been in. Instead, here are 5 simple tips to wearing in your orthotics.

  1. Wear your orthotics in gradually

After an extended amount of time dealing with pain in your feet and legs, you might think throwing your new orthotics into your shoes and walking out is a great idea, but in reality, it could do you more harm than good. Just like a good pair of boots, you have to first get through the hurdle of breaking in your orthotics before you can really enjoy them to the fullest. The best and only way for you to do that without injuring yourself is by showing restraint and being cautious your first few days that you’re using them to make sure you don’t injure yourself. Taking the time to do this gradually not only lets your feet adjust, but also makes you aware of all the sensations in your feet such as discomfort that should be expected, versus pain that should be resolved.


  1. Increase the wear in time until they are comfortable to wear all day

While you might be itching to enjoy all the benefits of custom-made orthotics, remember to slowly break them in, making sure you’re doing it in small steps rather than all at once. The first day you wear them, put them on for an hour, take a gentle walk to get the feel for them. The second day, wear them for two hours, the third three, etc. Once you’ve made it to 8 days & 8 hours, you should be fine, and are recommended, to wear them for the rest of the day. It’s important to note that this is just a mere guide, and if you find you need more time to break them in, then by all means, take it. Your feet and the way they are formed are unique to you and therefore your breaking in period will be just as unique.


  1. You can exercise in your orthotics once you can wear the day to day without discomfort

What’s just as important as slowly introducing your orthotics into your daily routine is the activities that you do in this breaking-in period. Your feet are being put into a new position that they haven’t experienced before, and as a result you absolutely should not be doing anything that is extraneous on your feet during this first week. That includes things like running, dance, and working out. Anything that puts more stress on your feet should be put on hold until you can easily wear your orthotics for a full day without any discomfort. Instead, go for a gentle stroll around your house, stand for the duration of the breaking in period doing something such as cooking or cleaning. If you can get through that without the discomfort getting in the way, you’re ready to increase the wear-time.


  1. The muscles in your feet, legs, and lower back take time to adapt and may ache during the wearing period

While you will undoubtedly feel some discomfort and perhaps a few small adjusting pains in your first week – after all, your feet have spent years, if not decades, in one set position – this is all a part of the process and is actually a sign that the orthotics are working. The muscles that make up your legs and feet need to adjust to the orthotics, and feeling them contort to their new and healthier position takes time. Rather than feeling stressed or annoyed at it, take the care your feet need, such as slowly wearing in orthotics, so that your feet can quickly adjust and bounce back, letting you get back to the things you love to do.


  1. If wearing-in pain is out of the ordinary, please contact StepBetter

While a bit of discomfort and adjusting pains is expected, especially in the first few days, your feet should absolutely not be experiencing an intense amount of pain. Pain such as this could mean there is a problem with how your feet fit your orthotics that could potentially lead to an injury or worsening of any conditions. If you feel pain that is more than just discomfort, or pain in places that you have not experienced before, please do not hesitate to contact the folks at StepBetter. They will gladly guide you through any and all ways of potentially resolving this issue and making sure your feet get the care that they need.


Your new orthotics should be an exciting thing the implement into your life. While those first few days might be a bit tricky, following these steps will let your get the most out of your orthotics and finally feel relief from any pain your might have been feeling your feet and legs up till now. If ever there are any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to contact StepBetter. Dedicated to your feet and their health, StepBetter will guide you in making your custom-made orthotics work like they’re meant to.

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