The 5 Best Stretches for Plantar Fasciitis

The 5 Best Stretches for Plantar Fasciitis


Ever woke up with sharp stabbing pain near the heel of foot when as soon as you took those first steps out of bed? If so, it is highly likely that you are suffering from common symptom of planter fasciitis, also known as planter fasciopathy. It effects more than two million people worldwide, and it is better to start its treatment in the initial phases before it gets chronic. The good news is that you can start its treatment right away at your home with some simple stretches that will instantly relieve your pain. However, you must consult your doctor first to ensure that its planter fasciitis and not any other pathology such as heel spur or lower back causing those symptoms in foot.


What is Plantar Fasciitis?


Planter fascia is a thin band that originates from your heel bone supports the arch of foot as you walk, run or jump. This band has medial, central, and lateral subdivisions however central band is most likely to get injured. Most commonly it occurs due to overuse or repetitive strains on your foot which can cause tiny tears in the planter fascia, this causes inflammation of the fascia and tissues surrounding the foot leading to condition called planter fasciitis. Also referred to as “heel spur syndrome.” Most commonly people experience it early in the morning or after long tiring day due to prolonged standing. Whatever the case may be, we will tell you few simple stretches to help relieve your pain.

Stretches for plantar fasciitis target the plantar fascia, calf muscles, and Achilles tendon to alleviate pain. Moreover, they can also help to strengthen the muscles in your feet and legs, which can help to stabilize your movements along with reducing stress on your feet.


Best stretches for planter fasciitis


Stretch 1: Toe extensions


This is one of the best things you can do the first thing in morning before you get out of bed (Figure-1).


Step 1: Sit straight and cross one leg (affected side) over the leg. If you have pain in both feet, repeat this step for both feet alternatively.


Step 2: Grasp your heel with one hand and your toes with the other hand.


Step 3: Keeping the heel locked, gently bring the toes towards you as far as possible, until you feel a nice stretch along the arch of foot.


Step 4: Hold this for 10 to 20 seconds, (you can start with 10 seconds and gradually increase the time over a period of days) and repeat these 3 to 4 times a day.


 Foot stretching.    Foot Streching

Figure-1 (Toe Stretch)


Stretch 2: Towel stretch


This stretch works your sole of foot as well as your calf muscles (Figure-2).


Step 1: Take a towel and make a roll out of it.


Step 2: In sitting position, extend your affected leg straight in front of you making sure that knee is not bend.


Step 3: Keeping both ends of towel in your hands, wrap the towel around your front foot while gently pulling the towel towards you, you should notice stretch in your calf and sole of foot.


Step 4: Hold this for 30 to 45 seconds and repeat it 3 to 4 times a day.


.       Towel Strech

Figure-2 (Towel Stretch)


Stretch 3: Standing Calf Stretch

Since tension in calf muscle can aggravate pain, therefore this stretch is important as it stretches your calf muscle and Achilles tendon. Unlike the previous two, this is performed in standing position (Figure-3).


Step 1: Stand facing the wall and extend your both arms in such a way that palms of both hands lay flat on the wall.


Step 2: Keep the leg that you want to stretch, behind you. Making sure that knee is not bend and heel of foot is intact with the ground.


Step 3: No bend the other knee (sound one) forward and lean forward. You should be able to feel the stretch in calf muscles of your affected leg.


Step 4: Hold it for 45 seconds, 2 to 3 times and repeat 4 to 5 times a day.


 Wall Strech          Wall Stretch

Figure-3 (Standing Calf Stretch)


Stretch 4: Toe curls with towel

This exercise increases the flexibility as well as strengthening the muscles that support the arch of foot (Figure-4).

Step 1: Sit on a chair and place feet on the ground.


Step 2: Take a towel and place it on the floor.


Step 3: Curl your toes and scrunch the towel towards you.


Step 4: Make sure your heel is intact with the ground, use your toes only to move the towel.


Step 5: Reposition the towel and repeat the same process Ten times, 2 to 3 times a day.


Curl Stretch.      

Figure-4 (Toe curls with towel)


Stretch 5: Ice bottle massage

This is an excellent exercise for relieving pain and healing those inflamed tissues (Figure-5).


Step 1: Place the water bottle on floor and place your foot on it.


Step 2: Roll your foot back and forth on the bottle working all the way from heel up to toes.


Step 3: Do this for 2 to 3 minutes twice a day.


.      .     water bottle stretch

Figure-5 (Ice bottle massage)


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